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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Does Christopher West Misrpresent JPII's Thought?

I am including here an excerpt of David Schindler's critique of Christopher West with links to read the full story. I would love for you to come back here and comment with your own thoughts on the matter. Do you agree with Schindler and others who are critical of West? I'd love your thoughts - feel free to discuss amongst yourselves.


Christopher West's Theology of the Body

by David L. Schindler
Provost/Dean and Gagnon Professor of Fundamental Theology at the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family

Regarding his interview on Nightline, Christopher West says that his remarks were taken out of context. In some sense, this is surely true. However, the comments as aired are the latest in a long list of statements and actions not inconsistent with the context set by the Nightline editors.

Though occasioned by West’s Nightline appearance, the present statement addresses his theology as a whole.

Let me stress that I agree with those who vigorously defend West’s intention of fidelity to the Church. Certainly he has had positive results in drawing many Catholics into a deeper understanding of their faith. As for myself, I do not initiate anything about West in my classes, but only respond when asked a question. Then I begin by emphasizing West’s intention of orthodoxy. As I have often put it, "he would throw himself in front of a bus for the Church." It is important to understand, however, that good will is not synonymous with sound thought; and I must say, not without reluctance, that West’s work seems to me to misrepresent in significant ways the thought of John Paul II. - From Headline Bistro

Go here to view the full piece

For the full story regarding the Nighline interview and my thoughts you can view this post from last week.

Please leave your comments below.
